Gridiron Philanthropy
At Gridiron Capital, we continue to be committed to having a positive impact on our companies and their communities. Specifically, we also look for opportunities to support and enable women, children, and veterans through our philanthropic initiatives.
Habitat for Humanity
Gridiron partnered with Housatonic Habitat for Humanity, a local housing nonprofit, to build homes for veterans and their families. In addition to helping build and sponsor the project, we also placed in the home a terrific candidate who is a single father and 6-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, having served both in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No Child Hungry
Gridiron Capital is honored to partner with No Child Hungry. At the Gridiron Capital No Child Hungry meal packing event that we hosted, we packed more than 30,000 meals—exceeding our goal. All the meals that were packed were then distributed to children in both Belle Glade, Florida, and the Marsh Harbor community, Bahamas. The Gridiron team looks forward to hosting another meal-packing event soon.

Malta House
Women and children initiatives are an important part of our culture at Gridiron, and we are honored to have the opportunity to support Malta House. In addition to financial support, we have also supported Malta House by delivering a donation of Cubiis as well as holding a food drive around the Thanksgiving Holiday. Malta House is one of a limited number of programs for young homeless mothers and their newborns in Connecticut.

Winning and Caring Together
We are building and fostering a culture of “Winning Together” by giving back. Here are some of the charities we support: